Why Do Rural Residents Participate in "Rural Revitalization Strategy"-- Based on Structural Equation Model

  • Lei Yu


"The strategy of rural revitalization" is an important strategic measure to build a well-off society in an all-round way, and it is particularly important to mobilize the enthusiasm of rural residents to participate. This paper uses structural equation model analysis to examine the impact of material needs, environmental needs, social needs and spiritual needs on rural residents' participation in effect of "strategy" implementation. The results show that material needs and environmental needs play a major role in the implementation of the strategy. In general, environmental needs have the greatest impact on rural residents' participation in the implementation of the "strategy", followed by material needs; social needs and spiritual needs for high-level needs, but the impact is smaller. Therefore, in the short run, it is expected to improve the material and environmental needs of farmers' participation in the implementation of the strategy; in the long run, it will be helpful to guide and cultivate the social and spiritual needs of rural residents' participation in the implementation of the strategy.

How to Cite
Lei Yu. (1). Why Do Rural Residents Participate in "Rural Revitalization Strategy"-- Based on Structural Equation Model. Forest Chemicals Review, 594-605. Retrieved from http://www.forestchemicalsreview.com/index.php/JFCR/article/view/945