Achievements, Problems and Improve Measures of Intellectual Property Protection in China

  • Liang Zhao


Intellectual property protection in China is committed to increasingly perfecting protection legislation for national strategies, continuously strengthening special actions and comprehensive reform of administrative law enforcement, orderly proceeding justice and trail integration reform. However, there are also some problems, such as the lack of legislative quality leads to insufficient legal effectiveness, the scattered administrative law enforcement system leads to ineffective infringement control, and the lack of judicial capacity leads to the existence of different judgments in the same case. It is necessary to attach equal importance to content and procedure to promote scientific legislation of intellectual property rights, improve administrative system and mechanism to strengthen strict enforcement of intellectual property rights, and strengthen professional construction of adjudication to ensure fair administration of intellectual property rights.

How to Cite
Liang Zhao. (1). Achievements, Problems and Improve Measures of Intellectual Property Protection in China. Forest Chemicals Review, 562-574. Retrieved from