Design and Development of Virtual Simulation Comprehensive Experiment Project of Traditional Chinese Medicine

  • Li WANG


There are some problems in the experiment of traditional Chinese medicine, such as large loss of medicinal materials, limited or missing number of precious medicinal materials, lack of living medicinal materials, and long observation cycle in each stage caused by the growth cycle of medicinal materials. These problems not only affect the effect of the experiment of traditional Chinese medicine, but also are not conducive to the understanding and mastery of theoretical knowledge. In order to solve the above problems, the virtual simulation technology was applied to the experiment of Traditional Chinese medicine, and the virtual simulation experiment platform of traditional Chinese medicine was constructed to improve the understanding of relevant theoretical knowledge, the identification ability of traditional Chinese medicine and the ability of clinical application.

How to Cite
Li WANG. (1). Design and Development of Virtual Simulation Comprehensive Experiment Project of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Forest Chemicals Review, 526-540. Retrieved from