Analysis of Preconditions for Innovative Transport High-Speed Rail Construction Based on Agglomeration Risks and Achievement

  • Cong Qiao, Qifeng Gao


In the article, the questions of the value of high-speed transport are considered. It is proved that systems HSR actively developed in the world. New lines successfully accustom to the most different conditions, and offered new transport possibilities can be adapted for concrete material and non-material requirements which differ in the different countries and regions. Additional approaches to an estimation of future volume of passenger traffic HSR, in particular, on the basis of gravitational model and the ABC-ANALYSIS are offered. All estimations, positions and article conclusions are considered with reference to project HSR “Zhengzhou – Jinan”.

How to Cite
Cong Qiao, Qifeng Gao. (1). Analysis of Preconditions for Innovative Transport High-Speed Rail Construction Based on Agglomeration Risks and Achievement. Forest Chemicals Review, 310-319. Retrieved from