A Collision Detection and Cloth Simulation Method Based on Parallel BVH

  • Huawei Mei, Chenyao Fan, Ronghua Zhang, Yonggang Liu


To solve the challenges such as low simulation performance, poor simulation effect, and manual definition of a collider in the real-time collision in cloth simulation, a collision detection method based on parallel hierarchical bounding volume hierarchies (BVH) is proposed. Firstly, the advantages and feasibility of using hierarchical bounding box for collision detection in cloth simulation are analyzed theoretically; Then AABB bounding box and the sphere bounding box is selected, and a group of BVH structure bounding boxes is constructed in parallel by using the hierarchical bounding box generation method based on Morton code; Finally, the computational shader is used to execute in parallel so that multiple particles update their positions at the same time and traverse the BVH structure of the model. The experimental results shown in Unity show that this method reduces the tedious work of manually defining the bounding box, speeds up the collision detection rate, accurately depicts the state when the cloth collides with the object and is suitable for real-time interactive applications.

How to Cite
Huawei Mei, Chenyao Fan, Ronghua Zhang, Yonggang Liu. (1). A Collision Detection and Cloth Simulation Method Based on Parallel BVH. Forest Chemicals Review, 631-647. Retrieved from http://www.forestchemicalsreview.com/index.php/JFCR/article/view/745