The Impact of the Audio-Visual Environment in Urban Parks on Mental Fatigue Recovery

  • Jun Zhang, Weichen Deng, Qing Yin


The audio-visual environment in an urban park has a significant impact on participants’ recovery from mental fatigue. In this study, an electrocardiogram (ECG) data was combined with the audio-visual environment using a intelligent wearable device. NN.mean and PNN50 were selected as ECG indicators to assess mental fatigue status. For the visual environment, the panoramic view method was chosen, which more accurately reflects the accurate level of visual elements in the human visual. For the auditory environment, LAeq was selected as the indicator. Correlation analysis of these three aspects was carried out, and a regression model of the ECG data was developed. The results of the study showed that Panoramic Green Visibility, Panoramic Sky Visibility, and the ratio of these two was significantly correlated with mental fatigue recovery (p < 0.01) and also had a high coefficient of determination over a short period and that changes in LAeq in the park environment were not significantly correlated with participants mental fatigue recovery.

How to Cite
Jun Zhang, Weichen Deng, Qing Yin. (1). The Impact of the Audio-Visual Environment in Urban Parks on Mental Fatigue Recovery. Forest Chemicals Review, 1032-1049. Retrieved from