PE-PCK Training of PE Normal Students under the Guidance of Excellence

  • Ximei Xu


PE-PCK is an important knowledge in the core accomplishment of excellent physical education teachers. It is a comprehensive embodiment of the knowledge applied in physical education teaching practice in a specific situation. It is the integration of personal knowledge and experience acquired by physical education teachers, as well as the unique professional knowledge of physical education teachers. This paper discusses the connotation, characteristics and generation path of PE-PCK theory by using literature method and comparative analysis method, compares and analyzes the PE-PCK knowledge composition and source of PE normal university students and outstanding PE teachers, and analyzes the current PE normal university students' PE-PCK training content and characteristics. Found normal PE - PCK excellence quality cultivation of sports the cultivation of the need to increase the teaching aim and teaching cases and the accumulation of experience in teaching practice, put forward the reform of sports teachers training mode, increase the case teaching, demonstration teaching and training methods such as teaching reflection and discussion for the cultivation of the pre-service teachers PE - PCK provide theoretical support.

How to Cite
Ximei Xu. (1). PE-PCK Training of PE Normal Students under the Guidance of Excellence. Forest Chemicals Review, 1557-1567. Retrieved from