Evidence Based Homoeopathic Treatment in a Case of Long-Standing Venous Ulcer

  • S. Sheeba, S.S. Ramya, K. Gokul Krishna and V. Shanthi Serene Sylum


A venous ulcer, also known by the name varicose ulcer, defined as a disruption in the stability of the skin, especially the epithelial covering along the course of veins in limb, that are mainly found along the medial side of the inferior part of the leg. The main source of venous ulcer is abnormal venous hypertension in the lower third of the leg due to the weakness of values in vein medial side of inferior part of lower limb. It is a randomized observational case study with regular monitoring of nature of ulcer based on individuals be in need off. According to the present review a dynamic, holistic, planned care which helps to promotes patient’s health-related behavioural modification and self-management. Moreover, similimum selection should be based on the individuality of the patient should be reinforced after the fulfilment and magnifying in deepness of understanding the consequence of check-up and sequel of the case. This study proves that the selection of the Homoeopathic medicines based on similimum have a potential action in treating venous ulcer with proper regimen escort the healness of ulcer underneath resistor and it has also been evidenced to incite the deranged vitality in patients and bring them ease in safest form.

How to Cite
S. Sheeba, S.S. Ramya, K. Gokul Krishna and V. Shanthi Serene Sylum. (1). Evidence Based Homoeopathic Treatment in a Case of Long-Standing Venous Ulcer. Forest Chemicals Review, 2494-2501. Retrieved from http://www.forestchemicalsreview.com/index.php/JFCR/article/view/1222