Research on the Effectiveness Evaluation of College Physical Course Online Instruction

  • Ping Wang, Yang Sun, Jun Cong


Online instruction has changed persons’ learning experience, and its rise has changed instruction methods, content, and management. The evaluation of online instruction is the fundamental guarantee for learners to learn effectively. The development of online instruction will depend on whether online classrooms and offline classrooms can truly achieve “homogeneous equivalence”. Based on the CIPP model, this paper analyzes the relevant indicators of online instruction evaluation at home and abroad and constructs an index system suitable for online instruction evaluation, including four dimensions of background, input, process, and output, covering 12 secondary indicators. The empirical investigation of learners participating in online studying in two different colleges of Harbin Sport University in China shows that 12 variables have a significant positive impact on the effectiveness of learners’ online studying. Among them, the four variables of course background, online courses,  instruction interaction, and professional output have the most obvious influence on the effectiveness of online instruction, and the professional type has a moderating effect. Learners majoring in sports humanities and sociology have higher online studying effectiveness evaluation than learners majoring in sports training. Teachers can effectively improve the effectiveness of online instruction by strengthening optimization behaviors such as online  instruction process evaluation and adjusting online instruction behaviors and online  activities according to professional categories such as theory and technical courses.

How to Cite
Ping Wang, Yang Sun, Jun Cong. (1). Research on the Effectiveness Evaluation of College Physical Course Online Instruction. Forest Chemicals Review, 2417-2424. Retrieved from